Transcript of Cast Out the Issues

 In Podcast

Transcript of Cast Out the Issues

0 (1s):
Welcome to real raw with dr. B this nationally published author and pastor has made it his life’s work to helping people strengthen their relationship with God themselves and each other with 25 years as a licensed counselor, coupled with his own life experiences with the ups and downs of married and single life. It’s like having a counseling session right in your own home. So without any further ado, it’s time for real roar with dr. B goodness,

1 (33s):
This is doctor B. Oh, I broadcast is real raw with dr. B. When we’re talking about real issues, relationship to yourself, to God and to others today’s podcast. We’re going to talk about the cast out as a therapist and even to my own personal life, there are things from our childhood, okay. That we need to cast out. Okay. And you’d be surprised that sometimes, you know, definitely we believe that Christ through Christ, you can do all things through Christ and cast out devils.

1 (1m 14s):
And, but sometimes the cast out is sometimes it’s just memories. All right. Memories that have not been discarded. And because of those memories, wife, husband, you are bringing that negativity. Yup. I said it. You bringing that negativity to your relationship.

1 (1m 48s):
Okay. There is no way you can be in a healthy relationship if you don’t cast it out. Okay. There is. Okay. Watch this. So all your life before you got in a relationship, people may deposit in you. Oh, this is good teacher in here. Okay. People may deposits one more time. Again. I’m going to stick on this for awhile. Every one of us, my hands included every single person on the sound of my voice.

1 (2m 18s):
All have been deposited with something. Okay. As a childhood, there’s something that people put inside of you. Okay. And usually it is negative and positive, but because our brains remember the negatives more than the positives, that stuff is deep embedded. That’s keyword embedded. Okay. It’s embedded. It’s inside of you.

1 (2m 50s):
All right. And so you gotta take the precautions that prior to you getting in a relationship, can I be real with, okay. That’s the key word. Alright. Can I be real with myself and say it’s time to heal. Okay. Okay. Can I be real with myself? Can I be real with my mate to tell them, you know what? This is within me?

1 (3m 20s):
I, I, I did experience his pain. I, I did experiences abuse. I, I did go through this trauma in my life and yes, it’s messing me up. It’s it is really trying to keep me tight and tangled up. Now you church people are really good in saying, well, you know what you know is no longer there. It’s not really a problem anymore. Can I tell you, can I tell you?

1 (3m 51s):
I will? Yes, God does deliver. But there are people that still need the counseling that still need that thing in them to be cast it out. Why? Because when you don’t cast that out, hear me when you don’t cast an out. If, if, if you continue to let that pain stay in, then that’s going to watch this now. All right. So, so if so, watch it. So if this stuff is deposited in me, then when my comes along, wanting to do to them.

1 (4m 32s):
Yeah. You got it. You’re going to infect them. Oh, Oh. They didn’t like that one EAP. Sorry. In fact, did it affect bill? You know, the, the COVID 19 years, if he does a much better picture, the Corvette 19 EPS, the best y’all eat, he belongs to restoration, but I’m sorry. I stand, he belongs to God. He blown executive secretary, Danny, his son didn’t downside with it.

1 (5m 3s):
He loves the church. All right. So I wasn’t gonna eat Danny, Danny, Danny. I did correct myself. So you’re going to infect the person you with why? Because you haven’t cast out that issue. Okay. And I see it over and over again in my practice. All right. There are issues that have not been addressed. And so you’re shouting over it. You’re speaking in tongue over it.

1 (5m 35s):
Da, da, da. But guess what? The pain is still there. And it is so much pain. It’s infecting someone who wants to love you. How can they love you when you keep pushing them away? How right. No, no, no. Now hear me wife hear me? Husband and wives. Hear me loud and clear. Okay. I’m gonna come at you first. All right. So women, you carry babies. Thank God guys.

1 (6m 4s):
That real quick. I will. Thanks. Thanks. Thank God. Thank God you carry babies. You also carry a lot of pain.

2 (6m 13s):

1 (6m 15s):
And some of you are so used to the pain of your past. You accept it. You accept. You’re going to be a tyrant. You, you, you accept the way you yell. You accept the way you go of you. You accept. No, you got to say, you know what? God I’m ready. My I for my health. I’m sorry. You got to say, God, I’m ready for this issue to be cast out. All right. Because if I don’t cast out, okay, hear me loud and clear, whatever you don’t cast out.

1 (6m 49s):
Ma’am you pass on to the next generation, your father, your mother, they had it. And because they didn’t do it correctly, they pass it on to you. And because you are not dealing with it correctly, you’re going to pass it to another generation and then another generation. And then another generation you got to say, you know what? I’m tired of this cycle. Okay. Oh, that’s a good word.

1 (7m 20s):
Okay. Okay. This is why dr. Be real. It’s so real because these subject matters are not being addressed on a regular basis. And you’re wondering why, why is it that you have such a super power spiritually, but no one wants to talk to you. No one can deal with you. And then you get this deep things that well, I’m so deep. No one can talk to me. No. Is that your main, You ain’t deep sister. You mean, you know why you mean the stuff in here that had been cast out?

2 (7m 57s):

1 (7m 60s):
The, the people at restoration Springs, they know. And I say it again for those who new to me, the biggest demon you will cast out is a demon within you. Yes. Matthew seven says for, you know what, let’s go to real quick. This is a Bible. I’m not preaching counseling, but y’all you also know I’m a pastor too. It’s I can’t help myself. I’m in the word. Okay.

2 (8m 29s):
He had passed. He taught all this stuff. He, yeah.

1 (8m 36s):
I can’t believe you’d be asking these questions. All right. Matthew seven and five thou hypocrite. First cast out. Oh, it’s in the Bible. Oh, Oh my goodness.

2 (8m 48s):
I sit in the Bible.

1 (8m 51s):
I hypocrite first cast out the beam out dine own eye, and then doubt show. See clearly to cast out the mote out of dire brother’s eye. That’s why we’re having so many problems in marriages and homes. You’re not casting out real raw wood. Dr. B is brought to you by the total relationship trainer, a ministry of restoration Springs, interdenominational church, Hosea four six says our people die for a lack of knowledge to that end.

1 (9m 28s):
Dr. B has written 24 nationally published books on relationships, intimacy and theology. You can check out his library at dr. T C Backslash bookstore. If you or a loved one are in a difficult season in your life, marriage or personal situation, you can reach out to dr. V at area code (203) 753-7377 or via email at dr.

1 (9m 59s):
B is That’s D R B I S R E a Now back to your virtual relationship counselor, here’s more of dr. B help me, somebody did I say Jesus cast out the D D I said the Holy ghost to cast out D I said a preacher cast out. No, it says first cast out.

1 (10m 31s):
In other words, you cast out Satan, you a liar. All right. I hear you. You cashed that out. You say no to it. You discard it. You say to yourself, I will no longer stay in this cycle. I will no longer allow this pain of the past

2 (10m 57s):
Too overwhelming.

1 (11m 1s):
And that’s why some of you are so overwhelmed with pain because you’re not casting what? You’re not cashing out. Your Medicaid knit. You’re watching TV in every Christian show you on butcher. Not cashing it. Can I say something? I will.

2 (11m 22s):
What good is it? Devote is good word.

1 (11m 27s):
Help me somebody, but it’s landing

2 (11m 30s):
On mess. Okay. Let me explain that.

1 (11m 36s):
So you’re getting a good revelation from the Lord. You’re getting blessed with the Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Okay. But the problem is that word is being settled in things that should be cast out. So that’s why you feel good. Real good on Sunday. Good. A good word. I got some good ministers here. I’m sorry. That’s my pastor side. Well, anyway, I got some good ministers here at restaurant Springs ministries, but you know, you get, you get some good words.

1 (12m 11s):
You get some good words and get you don’t last. You watch this, watch this. You are still depressed, Lashing out. You know why? Because you’re not casting out. Ooh. The reason only, you know, Eby put that up. You are lashing out because you’re not casting out. Wow. That’s deep. That’s really deep. The reason why you are lashing out, don’t tell him how to spell.

1 (12m 42s):
Lasha God, don’t not spell that shit right now because you’re not casting out. You’re not taking out the negative. Hear me. You’re trying to go off on your husband and, and go off on your wife and go off on the children and go from the goldfish. Goldfish. I ain’t done nothing to you. You know why you’re so negative because you’re not casting out. You’re not. I’m going to show you in the Bible. He was 12 and one Le wherefores.

1 (13m 15s):
He also, we are, compassed about with so great. A cloud of witnesses. Let us lay aside every weight we gotta let it go people. Okay? How long are you gonna let your father control you? How long ago? Let your past love your ex control you. How long are you gonna let people in your life control you? You got the, you got to cast it out. You have to cast out that men Talenti.

1 (13m 46s):
You gotta get rid of it. You gotta let it go because you don’t let it go. It’s going to stay there. It’s going to, it’s going to simmer. It’s going to summer. It’s going to summer. It’s going to summer. And you wondering why you’re not doing well. You know why you’re not doing well. Cause you’re not cashing out. You know why you’re not blessed because you’re not what you’re not casting out. You’re not taking out the old you letting it stay in. And the long you let it stay in, excuse me. The worst is going to get so cast it out. You, you, you gotta release that, right?

1 (14m 19s):
That’s why forgiveness. It’s so important, right? That’s why forgiveness is so important because forgiveness says I will not allow this thing to rule me anymore. Forgiveness says I will not be under the control of the pain. Forgiveness says I will not. I’m going to cast it out Now.

1 (14m 50s):
Now here’s deep part. When you cast out a thought, when you cast out a pain, when you cast out something on your past, it always. Now there’s a lot of people don’t understand. Okay? When you cast out the negative thought again through Christ, that new Orleans, the Crestron to me, and also there are things within you that you can do. Okay. It always going to try to what come in. So, so Sunday I didn’t preach Sunday. Thank you.

1 (15m 20s):
Minutes. Come out for preaching. But I leave here until like four o’clock. It was just a part of being a pastor. So a locked, a Brown three or four o’clock and a wasp try to come into my office. So I had a little discussion with DWIs. I said, mr. Woss I know you guys creatures, but you gotta die today. Now I had to die. Now, if the walls were just flying around, you know, mine had been there.

1 (15m 51s):
Guess what? I go bother green bother me. But when, but when mr. Wasp try to come into my office, we got some issues. So I had to kill it. Yeah. Alright. I’m a wasp murderer. Yeah.

2 (16m 6s):
I have to kill it. Yeah.

1 (16m 8s):
You know why? Cause I was trying to come in and what I’m trying to tell many of you on the sound of my voice, you gotta keep that spirit out once God has set you free. Why are you being entangled? All right. I’m sorry, nine. Sorry. I’m trying to help you out in your relationships. Galatians five and one stand fast.

1 (16m 39s):
Therefore in the Liberty where with Christ has made us free and be not, and be not entangled again with the yoga of what bondage, the reason why many of you are not doing well because, Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I realize will, will. And Jadah used the Bible word entangled. You’re entangled again. Why? You’re not casting it out.

1 (17m 9s):
You’re not kicking it out now. I like the word kick out.

2 (17m 13s):

1 (17m 18s):
Because when you kick out the devil, that means you really mean it. We kick out the devil. It’s hot and heavy, but that’s what I’m doing. A lot of water here. We kick out the devil. He listen, you’re trying to make a statement. You’re trying to make a statement To yourself now. Now I know this is about the person that you’re with, but it’s really about you. Okay? Are you sick and tired?

1 (17m 51s):
Okay. Are you sick and tired of being in that place? Are you sick and tired of being in that mentality? You gotta catch it out. But lot wives, husbands, you got to allow your husband to kick the, cast it out. You have to say, you know what? I’m tired of this. I don’t want this anymore. You know, this is not good for me. It’s not healthy for us. Right? Because I’m saying in that place, you you’re you’re you’re you’re you, you got to make that change.

1 (18m 22s):
People. You got to make that change. How can you expect to be blessed? If you’re stuck in that place, there is no way you’re going to be what you need to be at. If you are not moving. So it’s saying, you know what? I don’t want to stay here. Okay? I don’t want to stay in this place. All right. I want to say it’s been talented. Dr. B has chosen to devote his life, to saving the institution of marriage and his books, successful marriages for successful men.

1 (18m 56s):
He gives them the knowledge to be relationship. Ready? Check it out. My ignorance in my first marriage was definitely Sean and I learned the hard way. And that’s one of the reasons why I write so many books on relationships because no one taught me. And I learned the hard way. And this is my heart to help a man, especially not learn the hard way. So this is successful. Marriage is for successful man, guaranteed. I guarantee you, this will improve your relationship.

1 (19m 28s):
Purchases can be made at the bookstore at dr. TC And they can also be And now here’s more of dr. V. I see my doctor today, you know, because of my element. So, you know, he gave me something full information, thank God for it. You know, it’s definitely working, but you know what? I wanted something to happen. I needed a change. Okay. And what I’m trying to tell somebody right now, you need these changes in your life.

1 (20m 4s):
How can you expect God to bless you when you stay stuck in that place? How can you expect God to bless you when you’re not moving to a higher ground? He can’t bless you, Kenny. No, he can’t because you’re staying stuck. You’re not cashing out your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, you’re not laying in the side. You’re getting entangled again. Okay. Again, I don’t read the word up again. Aren’t you tired? Okay. Aren’t you tired of always acting to say, can’t be honest.

1 (20m 41s):
Some of y’all are just bullies. Alright. You know why? Because you’re not casting out. You, you’re not casting out the negativity. You’re not cashing out that thing that you need to let it go. Why? Because it is really deadening. Now. I’m almost done getting older people. Okay? So the way you handled your pain, you can’t do that going forward.

1 (21m 15s):
Okay. Can I say it again? I will. The way you handled pain, you can’t continue going forward. Handling the pain the same way you can’t. There is no way you can be in that mind frame and expect everything gonna be fine. You can’t. There has to be a change that has to be a move. That has to be some type of element that you know what? I don’t want to be here anymore. Why? Now, again, as you get older, watch us cast out.

1 (21m 47s):
We don’t cast out. It becomes a weight and it gets heavier and heavier and heavier and heavier. And before, you know, it was going to do, it’s going to drown you. It’s going to draw on you sooner or later, if you don’t cast it out, add the thing that says, if you don’t deal with the issue, the issues we’ll deal.

1 (22m 22s):
What with you and allow you to understand that a lot of you are having issues because you’re not casting out. Now I know to the world, you are perfect to the world. You do nothing wrong. That’s the world, but everybody else, they see who you really are. Oh my God. They see me. I see that people know you see someone that needs to cast something out. Now, if you’re married, you ain’t gonna like this segment.

1 (22m 53s):
This part right here, no one knows you like your mate. Okay? If your mate keeps telling you that you do doing eggs and eggs is detrimental to the relationship and you keep doing X, you are, you are sabotaging the relationship.

1 (23m 27s):
Don’t say that, right? Yes, that’s right. You are, you are actually sabotaging the relationship. Why? Because you are not, you’re not casting out. And you know, God is telling you, let it go. You know, God’s telling you, why are you so mean? And then some of you have a lack of automatic, sorry, button. Oh, you’re funny. But you still do it. You know, are you haven’t cast it out.

1 (24m 0s):
You haven’t let it go. A scripture says be angry, but what sin not right. It’s it’s you saying, all right, God, I need a change. Cause I can’t stay this way. You cannot. So, so you, then God is pleased that you minister to thousands, but you can’t minister to yourself, You think are the really pleased that everyone calls your name, but you don’t know your own name.

1 (24m 43s):
I’m not going to get too deep in it. But when Jacob wrestled with the angel, the angel asked him, what is your name? Now? That’s very significant to me because the angel, before he did the change or the transformation of Jacob to Israel, Jacob had to admit who he was.

1 (25m 14s):
And there’s many of you who are not emitting. You know what I’m meaning who you are. Does that make sense? Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. You are not a many. There is something there about you. And until you admit your, their idea, use the F word. Do I dare use the F word on Facebook?

1 (25m 45s):
I will. You’re not admitting your faults. And that’s why you are stuck. That’s why you won’t cast it out. Cause you know what? I’m meaning. Something’s wrong with me again. You can tell everybody else was wrong, everybody else, but you cannot tell what is wrong.

2 (26m 9s):
That’s a problem.

1 (26m 11s):
You can tell everybody else where to go, how to get there. What’s wrong with them. But you can’t tell on yourself. That’s a problem. My friend, that is an issue that you cannot be real with yourself, that you cannot, for lack of a better word, strip yourself and see yourself for who you really are. It, it is a travesty that you are in this place, but at the same time, you point out your mate, how much time I have EAP.

1 (26m 47s):
You, you, you you’re you’re you’re you’re you really trying to discard, washes and assignment that you need to do. You know, the assignment is self-cleaning okay. Now as a Christian, I believe self cleaning can really happen unless God’s in your life.

1 (27m 17s):
Psalms 51 says cleanse me. OK, wash me. Right? That’s what th that’s what David did. David went to God and he said, God, I need you to cleanse me. Because when I cleanse myself, I don’t give myself a thorough cleaning. I miss a part here. I miss a part there. That’s what I need Christ in my life to deliver me from my captivity of sin. I hope you enjoyed this today.

1 (27m 47s):
You know, this is, this is a very powerful point cast out, okay? Who you are. Okay. Well, you go, you gotta cast out that spirit. That’s causing you to not to be where God wants you to be. All right. EAP is going to give us more information and again, pray about being a sponsor. I am your virtual marriage counselor. Some you say folks, won’t go to a counselor.

1 (28m 17s):
So guess what? I’m your virtual counselor. You can email a topic to me, dr. B’s All right, EPA is going to give more information about this podcast until next time.

0 (28m 38s):
Thank you for tuning into real row with dr. B. This show is a product of the total relationship trainer, a ministry of restoration Springs into denominational church. If you have any questions, comments, or topics to be discussed, contact at dr. B is If you’d like to hear this show again, you can go to the real world with dr. B Facebook feed. If you are being led to give and want to partner with us, donations are accepted via cash app at dollar sign RSIC 1997.

0 (29m 13s):
We also accept donations via PayPal at new rest, one for donations of $25 or more, we will send you an autograph copy of one of his books. For more information about dr. B, you can check him out at dr. T C or on Twitter at coach TC Brantley and on Instagram at dr. Brentley PhD until next time be encouraged and to God be the glory.

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