
“I Corinthians 15:10
-But by the grace of God I am what I am….To God be the Glory.”



Need a Counselor or Mentor

Need a Counselor or Mentor

“When couples invest in their marriage they will succeed.” Dr Brantley is a certified counselor with the AACC. With over 20 years experience in relationship counselor Dr B can help. If you are in need of a stronger connection, releasing to your mate, healing from childhood trauma, sex addiction, or other issues you only have to call the relationship trainer.
Types of services include:
Pre-Martial Counseling
Affair aftermath Counseling
Post-Marriage Counseling
Intimacy Marriage Counseling
New Parent or Parenting Counseling
Divorce Counseling
Court Order Co-Parenting Counseling
Addiction Counseling
Mentorship or individual Counseling
Offices in:
Many couples maintenance their cars and personal things but will not maintenance their marriage. Dr B is your mechanic (trainer) to insure the relationship is smooth running and in shape.  As an author, podcaster and comedian his combo of knowledge and laughter will offer up a unique experience to counseling.Call today
  • "I would say our marriage went south on the honeymoon, I should have known something was wrong when the boat broke down on our honeymoon cruise. Thanks to Dr Brantley's counsel today we are fixed, not perfect but learning each other, loving each other, supporting each other and enjoying our life together in our 12th year of marriage. We are each other's best friend."

    D. Simmons
  • “DEFEATED is how I felt, my marriage was at the verge of being over, counseling was the last resort, so I prayed and feverishly searched for help. God directed us to Dr. Brantley.”

    P. Reynolds
  • Testimonial to the glory of God of Dr B counseling: “...You are honestly doing an awesome job. I’m very impress with your work. My husband is usually stubborn and don’t listen, but you are able to get to him. He listens to you and that’s important. Thank you so much. Yes to God be the glory that He lead us to you. I will definitely tell people about you.””””   063020

    T. Brantley
  • ”Hi Dr B. It's Ken (Amber). We were just talking about how the past few months we've been the best we've been in a long time, and never would've gotten here without you. Thought you'd like to know. Thank you!” (Permission granted to use first names)

    All glory to God Contact us at 203 753 7377 Wwww.drtcbrantley.com
  • Testimonial of Dr Timothy C. Brantley counseling SERVICES: “Dr B .. you have been anointed by God and I pray for you daily. My mate and I along with so many of your clients are soooo blessed to have you. A black Dr. that understands us and can relate to our culture and help us to get our lives together and put things in perspective. I am very proud of you ... Thanks to you we now have peace in our relationship and moving forward. 😃”” Call 203 753 7377 to make appointment

    www.drtcbrantley.com All Glory to God
  • Lol.. Good Morning Dr B 😃 We are very much alright. Things are going good. I am so proud of my man with the amazing improvements he has made and continues to do so. I compliment his efforts all the time and would you believe not one argument in weeks and I actually love being with him. I thank God. I thank God for you getting us through the turbulent storms when I was ready to give up.You are truly anointed by God and so amazing we always keep you in our prayers. We will continue with our therapy appointments with you. Thank you for strengthening our relationship making it happy and peaceful we absolutely could not have done it on our own or without you. This world is a better place with you in it helping countless families, relationships, couples, individuals with our deep rooted issues to guide us through . We are blessed and may God continue to bless and watch over you and your family and all you do. We love you ❤️

  • Testimonial of Dr B “The Relationhsip Trainer” pratice. This comes from a client who is single “You know what. I woke up thinking and being grateful. And you came to mind. And I just realized that you must have seen many amazing things in your lifetime. God has blessed you with the gift to watch his miracles performed day in and day out. And while it must feel exhausting sometimes, you get to rejoice from seeing people like me walk out of the darkness and find the light. And not only find it but keep seeking it even when it looks like it’s beginning to dim. God bless you and thank you for working hard through Him always.”

    All glory to God
  • Testimonial of Dr Brantley practice 02/3/21
    “For  21 years I've known my husband and for 12 years we've been married when we got married everything changed my husband's ability to show me love and affection stopped.  I remember thinking on the anniversary of our 1st year of marriage what did I get myself into?  We bought our first home and had our first child in the same year. As the years progressed we had 2 more children but I felt less and less close to my husband, value and affection towards me most days did not exist. I was ignored. The more I would ask for more, the more he would push away and focus on the kids and the home responsibilities but not on me. This turned me into a bitter wife that smiled through sadness. He's a great father I would tell myself but I know I deserved more. I was ignored for so many years and didn't understand why. I tried to seek counseling from 5 different sources over the years but no one has been able to really help my husband dig deep into what has caused his withdrawal, sadness and pain. He didn't want to be the problem in our marriage but he also didn't want to be the one to change.
    Dr. Brantley was a referral from a close friend, we had our first session 2 months  ago. In our sessions with Dr Brantley he was able to be very straight with us focusing on how to acknowledge our past experiences and grow from them...not to stay there! He encourges physical touch and closeness as couples during our sessions to reconnect, our experiences have been wonderful! We are finally in the phase of HEALING because Dr. Brantley encouraged us to dig deep and realize how blessed we are right NOW!
    We just celebrated our 12th Anniversary and I am elated to have my husband back to what I knew him to be over 15 years ago. We will continue on this journey. Thank you Lord for using Dr Brantley to help us through this process. We are so grateful!”
    All glory to God
    Call today 203 753 7377
    T.  Charles Brantley, PhD
    The Relationship Trainer
    Real Raw w/Dr. B “Podcast”
    To see Dr B 24 books: www.amazon.com/author/tcb2
    Anonymous Testiony


  • Testimonial of Dr Brantley practice 02/3/21
    “For  21 years I've known my husband and for 12 years we've been married when we got married everything changed my husband's ability to show me love and affection stopped.  I remember thinking on the anniversary of our 1st year of marriage what did I get myself into?  We bought our first home and had our first child in the same year. As the years progressed we had 2 more children but I felt less and less close to my husband, value and affection towards me most days did not exist. I was ignored. The more I would ask for more, the more he would push away and focus on the kids and the home responsibilities but not on me. This turned me into a bitter wife that smiled through sadness. He's a great father I would tell myself but I know I deserved more. I was ignored for so many years and didn't understand why. I tried to seek counseling from 5 different sources over the years but no one has been able to really help my husband dig deep into what has caused his withdrawal, sadness and pain. He didn't want to be the problem in our marriage but he also didn't want to be the one to change.
    Dr. Brantley was a referral from a close friend, we had our first session 2 months  ago. In our sessions with Dr Brantley he was able to be very straight with us focusing on how to acknowledge our past experiences and grow from them...not to stay there! He encourges physical touch and closeness as couples during our sessions to reconnect, our experiences have been wonderful! We are finally in the phase of HEALING because Dr. Brantley encouraged us to dig deep and realize how blessed we are right NOW!
    We just celebrated our 12th Anniversary and I am elated to have my husband back to what I knew him to be over 15 years ago. We will continue on this journey. Thank you Lord for using Dr Brantley to help us through this process. We are so grateful!”
    All glory to God
    Call today 203 753 7377
    T.  Charles Brantley, PhD
    The Relationship Trainer
    Real Raw w/Dr. B “Podcast”
    To see Dr B 24 books: www.amazon.com/author/tcb2
    Anonymous Testiony
  • Testimonial of Dr B “The Relationhsip Trainer” pratice. This comes from a client who is single “You know what. I woke up thinking and being grateful. And you came to mind. And I just realized that you must have seen many amazing things in your lifetime. God has blessed you with the gift to watch his miracles performed day in and day out. And while it must feel exhausting sometimes, you get to rejoice from seeing people like me walk out of the darkness and find the light. And not only find it but keep seeking it even when it looks like it’s beginning to dim. God bless you and thank you for working hard through Him always.”

    All glory to God
  • Lol.. Good Morning Dr B 😃 We are very much alright. Things are going good. I am so proud of my man with the amazing improvements he has made and continues to do so. I compliment his efforts all the time and would you believe not one argument in weeks and I actually love being with him. I thank God. I thank God for you getting us through the turbulent storms when I was ready to give up.You are truly anointed by God and so amazing we always keep you in our prayers. We will continue with our therapy appointments with you. Thank you for strengthening our relationship making it happy and peaceful we absolutely could not have done it on our own or without you. This world is a better place with you in it helping countless families, relationships, couples, individuals with our deep rooted issues to guide us through . We are blessed and may God continue to bless and watch over you and your family and all you do. We love you ❤️

  • Testimonial of Dr Timothy C. Brantley counseling SERVICES: “Dr B .. you have been anointed by God and I pray for you daily. My mate and I along with so many of your clients are soooo blessed to have you. A black Dr. that understands us and can relate to our culture and help us to get our lives together and put things in perspective. I am very proud of you ... Thanks to you we now have peace in our relationship and moving forward. 😃”” Call 203 753 7377 to make appointment

    www.drtcbrantley.com All Glory to God
  • ”Hi Dr B. It's Ken (Amber). We were just talking about how the past few months we've been the best we've been in a long time, and never would've gotten here without you. Thought you'd like to know. Thank you!” (Permission granted to use first names)

    All glory to God Contact us at 203 753 7377 Wwww.drtcbrantley.com
  • Testimonial to the glory of God of Dr B counseling: “...You are honestly doing an awesome job. I’m very impress with your work. My husband is usually stubborn and don’t listen, but you are able to get to him. He listens to you and that’s important. Thank you so much. Yes to God be the glory that He lead us to you. I will definitely tell people about you.””””   063020

    T. Brantley
  • “DEFEATED is how I felt, my marriage was at the verge of being over, counseling was the last resort, so I prayed and feverishly searched for help. God directed us to Dr. Brantley.”

    P. Reynolds
  • "I would say our marriage went south on the honeymoon, I should have known something was wrong when the boat broke down on our honeymoon cruise. Thanks to Dr Brantley's counsel today we are fixed, not perfect but learning each other, loving each other, supporting each other and enjoying our life together in our 12th year of marriage. We are each other's best friend."

    D. Simmons

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